Let’s get it on!!!!
Author Archives: Lightning Lord
Eddie Trunk, Don Jamieson, Jim Florentine VH1′s THAT METAL SHOW! LIGHTNING STRIKES!
Lightning in Jersey! with Don Jaimeson of VH1′s THAT METAL SHOW
LIGHTNINGLORD: Thunder Storm Warning
LIGHTNINGLORD Speedz Metalin \m/ The band from Left to right:
Weapon X-Guitar /Gregory Swanson-Vocals,Bass /Lou Lamore-Drums /Alex Of Death-Guitar
Fan pic: Thanks Aurel \m/\m/
October Shows!!!!!!!!! Welcome new guitarist “Weapon X”!!!!!!!!!!!!
We’d like to welcome our new guitarist “Weapon x” to the family. Let’s party Speedz Metalz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck Sizzler, we’re going to Ragnarokkr!!!!!!!
LightningLord confirmed for the 2015 Ragnarokkr festival!!!!!! Let the hammer fall!!!!!!!!
First look at the cover art for LightningLord-Blood Eagle cumming in 2014, featuring NWOBHM legend GASKIN on guitar. Still in studio right now, been having a blast making sounds. No false metal!!!!!\m/\m/NWOBHM\m/\m/

Heads up Germany!!!!! \m/\m/
LightningLords “All Father Death Stalker” Ep will be available at “Underground Power Metal Distribution” in Germany! Let’s turn up the metal! \m/NWOBHM\m/
Recording In Session
LightningLord is in recording the full length follow up to their “All Father Death Stalkers” Ep. Lightning Lou Lamore has finished up drums, so we’re moving on to the strings. Keep your ears open for new sounds this spring, and keep your eyes peeled for us live, as soon as we’re out of this booth, we’ll be announcing dates and raring to go hit some stages. Lightning strikes! NWOBHM\m/Speedz Metalz\m/
Metalz Party!!!!!!m/m/
What up dudes and dudettes,
To anyone visiting the page, you must be a NWOBHM lover like us. Very cool. Most people congregate on my personal page, and we party there. Being musicians, we have a lot of “business” people we come in contact with, usually some ass clown who’s trying to swindle money out of musicians, so partying on my personal page allows me to filter those people out, and let the right ones in, if you know what I mean. So if your cool, and want to party metal, hit us up on my page. m/NWOBHMm/ No false metal
Gregory Swanson m/m/